Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Sustainability of Information Systems in Developing Countries

KU Leuven
  • Siemen
This research assesses the most occurring problems and challenges as well as environmental influences on an information system’s success in developing areas. It produces and applies a model based on the theories of IS Success by DeLone & McLean, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and the Integrated Model of Business Value (IGB). This model gives an answer to the need of more research in the domain of sustainability through multi-case research in developing contexts. It generates new insight on the literature, confirms and questions some existing statements and proposes new hypotheses for future research. A checklist for future IS designers or researchers was added to incorporate the most important elements found in this research. The paper concludes on the importance of the IS’ perceived usefulness, the social influences and the IS’ locality, as well as daring to think outside the box so to work with the available resources and to foster creativity.
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Universiteit Gent
This master thesis aims to acquire more understanding in the advantages of bus lanes. The paper is subdivided into two main parts. The first part of the research is a literature study, where one will investigate very briefly the evolution of traffic and the use of public transport. This will be followed by a closer look into the phenomenon of bus lanes. Here one will summarize the different types of bus lanes and their possible advantages in certain situations. The first part will be closed with the information one gained during the literature study concerning the methods of measurements to mathematize and visualize the possible relevant advantages. There are two common ways in capturing the details of the underlying system, the first one is a method based on simulation (microscopic-cellular automata). The second one is based on an analytical approach (the queuing theory).
In the second part one will couple the gained knowledge regarding the literature study with a case study in Ghent. For this research one has chosen the Rooigemlaan, in particular the area of the intersection between the Rooigemlaan and the Drongensesteenweg in Ghent. The goal of this case study will be to scale the advantages of an ordinary lane, a dedicated bus lane with and without set back and a lane with intermitted priority for buses. These advantages will be linked with the advantages offered by the use of transit signal priority. To end this thesis one will evaluate the previous described bus lane types and their influences on traffic, this will be done by sensitivity analysis where one will change the input values. To finalize the research, a conclusion will be formed based on a cost-benefit analysis.
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Arbeidstevredenheid en in-rol performantie in open kantoren. De rol van afleiding, gepercipieerde controle en extraversie.

KU Leuven
Van Hootegem
Open kantoren: een mythe ontkrachtBeeld je in. Je bent op je werk. Je probeert je volledige aandacht toe te leggen op een belangrijke taak die af moet. Terwijl je je probeert te concentreren, wordt ergens een arsenaal aan pagina’s geprint. Vlak voor je zijn twee collega’s een babbeltje aan het slaan. Rechts van jou voert iemand een luidruchtig telefoongesprek. Een collega vraagt of je ook een glaasje water wilt. In open kantoren worden mensen voortdurend afgeleid. Zelfs iemand die passeert is een prikkel.
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Methods for the determination of flow-based capacity parameters: description, evaluation and improvements

KU Leuven
Flow-based market coupling, the cheapest path to security of supplyCurrently a lot of European countries struggle with the Security of Supply of electricity. Belgium is one of the leading problem cases. In order to achieve long-term security of supply, Europe puts its stake on increasing the interconnection capacity between member states (1). This option is expensive but can be viable. For short-term problems, like shortages in Belgium, the investment plan offers no solution. In research a lot attention is given to complex and challenging solutions like demand side management.
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Organisatie-identificatie in dochterondernemingen: de rol van interne communicatie als antecedent van organisatie-identificatie.

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Rodriguez Moreno
Hoe belangrijk is de rol van interne communicatie als antecedent van organisatie-identificatie?Het beeld van een organisatie als een absoluut geheel waarin slechts één homogene identiteit bestaat, is tegenwoordig niet meer overtuigend. Vandaag zijn organisaties uitgegroeid tot complexe eenheden waar werknemers zich kunnen identificeren met verschillende potentiële identiteiten.
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An Analysis of the Belgian Private Equity Market

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Gert Jan
An Analysis of the Belgian Private Equity MarketThis Master’s Thesis attempts to give an overview of the most popular beliefs about private equity. The second part is a quantitative analysis of the Belgian private equity business.Private equity (PE) means to investors an alternative to more widespread financial instruments such as stocks or commodities. The four prototypes of portfolio companies owned by a private equity house are family firms, subdivisions/spinoffs from companies, public-to-private transactions and secondary buyouts.
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De Belgische revolutie in het Parijse modeveld: Een analyse aan de hand van Pierre Bourdieu

Universiteit Gent
Van de Peer
De Belgische moderevolutie in Parijs
Vele Belgen zijn zich niet bewust van de status van de Antwerpse mode in Parijs. Hoewel het grote publiek op de hoogte is van de namen en de stijl van verschillende Antwerpse ontwerpers, blijft hun macht in Parijs vaak onderbelicht. Eén reden hiervoor is het gebrek aan onderzoek over de status die ‘onze’ ontwerpers in het Parijse modeveld bezitten.
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