This master thesis aims to acquire more understanding in the advantages of bus lanes. The paper is subdivided into two main parts. The first part of the research is a literature study, where one will investigate very briefly the evolution of traffic and the use of public transport. This will be followed by a closer look into the phenomenon of bus lanes. Here one will summarize the different types of bus lanes and their possible advantages in certain situations. The first part will be closed with the information one gained during the literature study concerning the methods of measurements to mathematize and visualize the possible relevant advantages. There are two common ways in capturing the details of the underlying system, the first one is a method based on simulation (microscopic-cellular automata). The second one is based on an analytical approach (the queuing theory).
In the second part one will couple the gained knowledge regarding the literature study with a case study in Ghent. For this research one has chosen the Rooigemlaan, in particular the area of the intersection between the Rooigemlaan and the Drongensesteenweg in Ghent. The goal of this case study will be to scale the advantages of an ordinary lane, a dedicated bus lane with and without set back and a lane with intermitted priority for buses. These advantages will be linked with the advantages offered by the use of transit signal priority. To end this thesis one will evaluate the previous described bus lane types and their influences on traffic, this will be done by sensitivity analysis where one will change the input values. To finalize the research, a conclusion will be formed based on a cost-benefit analysis.
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