Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

The Post Olympic Tourist Trap

KU Leuven
The thesis project 'The Post Olympic Tourist Trap' (1) researches how reality is experienced and (2) experiments with a way to depict this contemporary reality, to challenge the awareness about our surroundings.
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De Belangen van de Levenden en de Doden in het Theater van Toshiki Okada

Universiteit Antwerpen
de Waard
This thesis examines Okada Toshiki’s Ground and Floor and Time’s Journey from the perspective of
post- and nonhumanism, especially in the vein of those dead. Within the various strands of post- and
non-humanism, the focus is on ghosts, especially as described by Jacques Derrida - who coined the
term “hauntology” - and by Mark Fisher, who applied the term to his theory. Post- and nonhuman
philosophy have the potential to inspire creative, innovative and effective ways of re-thinking the
human that surpasses mere humanist self-hatred. By staging ghosts and drawing attention to
nonhuman others, Okada’s theatre fits within this project. I would like to propose that the ghost can
be used as a metaphor within a more fruitful post-anthropocentric worldview. This would be a
Hauntoloscene, a world in which we gain spirit by recontextualizing our relationship with what is not.
The figure of the ghost allows the past to be brought into the present.
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Promotie van lokaal gevangen verse vis aan de hand van een marktonderzoek en een visgids met seizoensgerechten

  • Lore
Promotie van lokaal gevangen verse vis aan de hand van een marktonderzoek en een visgids met seizoensgerechten
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Transgender and gender-nonconforming persons and sexual risk: a critical review of 10 years of literature from a feminist intersectional perspective

Universiteit Gent
Van Schuylenbergh
Seksueel risicogedrag en de prevalentie van HIV en andere SOA blijken zeer hoog te zijn onder transgender en gender-nonconforme personen. Een feministisch perspectief dat focust op intersectionaliteit (kruispuntdenken) wordt gehanteerd om de huidige literatuur rond dit onderwerp kritisch door te lichten. Centraal hierin staan discriminatie en stigmatisering van transpersonen.
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Mara Wetland Becomes Dryland

This thesis describes how the social-ecological system around the Mara wetlands has changed during the previous five decades. These wetlands are mainly fed by the Mara River, which has its sources in the Kenyan Mau Escarpment. After flowing through two worldfamous wildlife parks (Serengeti and Maasai Mara), it continues in the downstream Tanzanian Mara wetlands and finally flows out in Lake Victoria.
The major focus of this thesis is on how the riparian Wakenye people in Northwest Tanzania have adapted their livelihoods to the changing context.
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