Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Who wants to live forever. The reconfiguring of the experiences of time caused by HIV/AIDS as visualized in fiction films

De Mey
The majority of queer scholars studying the AIDS crisis tend to take being sick as always already a socially mediated condition; such politically sensitive analyses primarily aim to disclose the normative structures informing HIV/AIDS. In this thesis, I suggest that the lived experience of HIV/AIDS is also about biological processes which cannot always be understood through a social/political analysis. I thus use both queer studies and medical humanities theories on the lived experience of chronic diseases as theoretical framework. Applying this framework on feature films about HIV/AIDS enables me to analyze the rich temporal dimensions that can be found in this corpus, which conveys temporality in medium-specific ways. I suggest that feature films enable the viewer to interpret the whole film, understood as the combination of camera movement, montage and narrative, as the transformed, accessible perception of the characters. In chapter 2, I distinguish two main causes for conflicting temporalities in AIDS films regarding infection with HIV. First, the impossibility to determine (retrospectively) the moment of infection with HIV, which often results in conflicting ways of dealing with temporality. Secondly, films relate differently to the lost culture of sexual possibility of pre-AIDS crisis time, showing how an individual or collective sexual past can either be rejected or reactivated in the present. When it comes to the time in which the illness itself is experienced and reflected upon (chapter 3), temporalities become even more complex. I elaborate on how the experience of physical pain because of AIDS-related illnesses is visualized in AIDS films; the ‘suspended animation’ (§3.3.2) of ‘stagnated suffering’ (§3.4.1), in particular, caught my attention. Especially present-day filmmakers working outside of Hollywood manage to create phenomenologically poignant scenes where the complex temporalities of suffering are visualized. All of those aspects of living with HIV/AIDS oppose, in their particular way, what Elizabeth Freeman has called ‘chrononormative’ structures that favour heteronormative and capitalist temporalities. AIDS films tend to visualize time in such a way that chrononormative structures become visible as not just ‘ordinary bodily tempos and routines’, but as normative power structures that do not favour those who are ill, queer, or both. AIDS films show that alternative, non-normative temporalities do exist; those queer temporalities all share, however, a fragmentarily and, above all, temporarily character.
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Indigenous Land Titling in the Peruvian Amazon: Bridging Ontologies or Consolidation of Capitalist Frameworks? Territorial Complexity in Atalaya

Universiteit Gent
In Atalaya, een provincie in de Peruviaanse Amazone, leggen territoriale conflicten en inheemse mobilisaties verschillen in landgebruik en wereldbeeld bloot. De Westerse kapitalistische visie ziet land als ‘bezit’, terwijl inheemse gemeenschappen een ‘levend territorium’ bewonen. Deze contrasten en heersende koloniale structuren zorgen ervoor dat de landrechten van inheemse volkeren niet worden gerespecteerd.
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Determinants of Priority Interest Rates for Securities Based on Non-Performing Loans in Chinese Commercial Banks

Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Yanjin
This thesis described a linear equation between the priority interest rate and these four determinants. The article also comes up with one question that there are still some other determinants of affecting the priority interest rate. What’s more, these determinants are also important role in affecting the priority interest rate.
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Can evidence for Modigliani & Miller's capital structure indifference theorems be found in the context of Belgian Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)?

Universiteit Gent
Deze scriptie gaat na of in de optimale context van REITs bewijs kan gevonden worden voor de Modigliani & Miller indifferentietheoriën. De reden voor de gekozen context vindt vooral zijn oorsprong in de afwezigheid van taxatie en de minimale informatie assymmetriën. De conclusie luidt dat de theorie in de praktijk faalt door irrationaliteit van mensen.
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Multitasking on the go: an observation study on the Brussels public transport

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Tan Dat
Nowadays, performing multitasking activities on the move has become more and more popular. Such propensity has increasingly attracted lots of attentions from scholars. In this streamline, the thesis is to explore how multitasking activities are performed in different modes of public transport (PT) in Brussels city, and whether they are affected by the demographics, distance and level of crowdedness factors. In addition, it looks into the way and how PT passengers interact with their information and communication technology (ICT) devices. Structured observation is used to conduct the survey of 1216 PT passengers (on bus, tram and metro) in May 2016. The result shows, on the one hand, that the length of the journey and demographics have significant impact on passengers’ decision to multitask. On the other hand, it proves that the frequency of using ICTs not only being influenced by demographics, but its relationship with the transport types is also moderated by crowdedness level. On top of that, a comparison with a previous study which adopted a different methodology but in the same context is conducted both to confirm the reliability and validity of this paper and to give an insight about Brussels public transport and its users’ multitasking tendency.
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Equity crowdfunding: positioning and inquiry from an entrepreneurial perspective

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
De Moortel
Een gestructureerde literatuurstudie en een studie op 20 internet platformen geven duidelijkheid omtrent positionering en werking van de nieuwe financieringsmethode: equity crowdfunding.
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Notional Interest Deduction and the Capital Structure of Belgian Banks

KU Leuven
  • Daan
Deze scriptie gaat na wat de effecten zijn van de notionele interest aftrek op de kapitaal structuur van Belgische banken. Vervolgens bestudeert deze scriptie de notionele interest aftrek in samenhang met banktype, crisis-tests en sensitiviteitstests.
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Cofán Pragmatism in Times of Uncertainty: Negotiating the Negligent Hegemonic State and Imaginary Oil

KU Leuven
Julio Ignacio
Rodriguez Stimson
The Cofán people of Zábalo, a community in the Ecuadorian Amazon, have always engaged pragmatically on an everyday basis with their forest-based lifestyle and relations with the government, corporations and outsiders (fuesu a’i). However, in recent years the community has been dealing with growing uncertainty, internal economic inequality, high unemployment, and an Ecuadorian state that extends governmental control, while also neglecting the needs of people in this region. A myriad of factors discussed in this paper, including the increased integration of outside commodities into the Cofáns’ daily life, have led me to believe that unless the Cofán gain access to a steady source of financial income to purchase basic supplies and commodities (such as bullets, gasoline and salt), many people will have to look for work outside the community or allow oil companies to exploit their resources. The growing accumulation of wealth by just two families in the community, increasing dependence on money, lack of access to jobs, and internal political divisions have increased distrust and bad talk (ega afa’cho). Through a two-month stay with the community, where I interviewed 25 individuals (collecting 67 hours of semi-structured interviews) and produced 7 short films , I mainly sought to answer the following three questions: What political and economic changes have these people encountered in recent years? What is the community’s relationship with money, commodities and other sources of value? Can the Cofán maintain an ideal tranquil (opatssi) life and take care of the forest (tsampima coiraye), while simultaneously engaging with external influences, including restrictive laws, expansion of the capitalist frontier, commodities, the Socio Bosque environmental conservation government scheme, populist local politicians, and the potential of oil exploitation?

I conclude that Zábalo is currently a frontier of ‘negligent hegemonic control’ and is becoming more assimilated into the global economic market, creating a greater dependence on money and commodities, which is both changing people’s relationship to the concepts of opatssi and tsampima coiraye and also making them more likely find a pragmatic solution to their economic problems, such as allowing oil exploitation. Finally, this paper advocates for an engaged, activist anthropology in the context of a neoliberal world with increasing inequality, marginalized indigenous peoples, and increasing environmental degradation.
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The Capital Structure of European Insurers: Are the Trade-o and Pecking Order Theory Relevant?

KU Leuven
  • Benoit
Verzekeringsmaatschappijen spelen een cruciale rol in het functioneren van een economie. Om dit succesvol te doen is het essentieel dat hun klanten erop kunnen vertrouwen dat, indien er zich een schadegeval voordoet, de beloofde schadevergoeding kan uitbetaald worden. De grootte van de kapitaalbuffer van een verzekeraar staat hierbij centraal: hoe meer kapitaal, hoe kleiner de kans dat een verzekeraar zijn beloftes niet zal kunnen nakomen. Eén van de belangrijkste beslissingen die het management van een verzekeringsmaatschappij moet maken betreft dus de hoeveelheid kapitaal.
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A hystorical overview of the capital structure in Belgium from 1950 to 2005

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Een historisch overzicht van de
kapitaalstructuur in België van 1950 tot 2005
De kapitaalstructuur van een bedrijf is een indicatie van de wijze van financiering. Een bedrijf kan zichzelf in grote lijnen financieren met kapitaal of met schulden waarbij ze de kost voor beide zal proberen te minimaliseren.
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De Belgische revolutie in het Parijse modeveld: Een analyse aan de hand van Pierre Bourdieu

Universiteit Gent
Van de Peer
De Belgische moderevolutie in Parijs
Vele Belgen zijn zich niet bewust van de status van de Antwerpse mode in Parijs. Hoewel het grote publiek op de hoogte is van de namen en de stijl van verschillende Antwerpse ontwerpers, blijft hun macht in Parijs vaak onderbelicht. Eén reden hiervoor is het gebrek aan onderzoek over de status die ‘onze’ ontwerpers in het Parijse modeveld bezitten.
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Financieringsproblematiek van startende ondernemingen in Vlaanderen.

LUCA School of Arts

Financieringsproblematiek van startende ondernemingen
in Vlaanderen.




Samenvatting van het eindwerk ingediend tot het behalen van de graad van licentiaat in de handelswetenschappen.
Campus VLEKHO – Departement Handelswetenschappen van de Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst
Academiejaar 2004-2005
Promotor : Prof. dr. G.
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