Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Fantastic beasts and their value in youth work: The magic of animals on the resilience of vulnerable adolescents

AP Hogeschool Antwerpen
Van Hoylandt
In haar bachelorproef Fantastic beasts and their value in youth work – The magic of animals on the resilience of vulnerable adolescents breekt Hanne Van Hoylandt een lans voor de implementatie van dieren als co-coaches of -therapeuten in het zorgtraject van kwetsbare jongeren, zowel in het onderwijs als in een begeleidingscontext.
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Spatial Strategies to Strenghten Flanders' Drought Resilience - A Case Study of the Nete Basin

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Van Eupen
Ruimtelijke strategieën om Vlaanderen weerbaar te maken tegen droogte. Hoe verschillende onderdelen van het valleisysteem meer neerslag kunnen vasthouden en infiltreren.
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The contribution of volunteering in a cultural centre to the development of young adults in Salvador, Brazil. Overcoming obstacles related to race, gender, religion and class oppression.

UC Leuven-Limburg
In a highly unequal society, many young Brazilians suffer oppression based on their class, race, gender, sexual orientation and religion. In the transition to adulthood, a period that is already marked by important changes, this brings along specific needs that need to be met. This research answers how ICBIE, a cultural centre in Salvador da Bahia, tries to meet those needs by providing a
space for young people to participate in activities and volunteer. Young adults from the region and volunteers of ICBIE have participated in a survey and in-depth interviews to find the answer to the central question of this thesis:
“How does volunteering at ICBIE contribute to the personal and professional development of young adults living on the Itapagipe Peninsula of Salvador, Bahia?”. Their answers, insights and stories were complemented by observations and were compared with, and analyzed through the lens of
national data and concepts from Robert Havighurst, Social Justice Theory and Anti-Oppressive Practises. The results show that young adults face a multitude of obstacles, mostly related to oppressive practises. Classism is the form of
oppression that stood out, connecting almost all of the respondents. And while ICBIE can’t directly change the root of these oppressive practises, it mitigates the harmful effects caused by them, by creating a place where volunteers can
learn, take up responsibility, open their view on the world, create meaningful bonds, feel safe and loved, and cultivate hope and resilience for the future.
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Linking plant-water relations to wood anatomy of M. eminii under different water conditions to assess its drought resilience

Universiteit Gent
Van Camp
Effect van droogte op de stamgroei: onderzocht tot op het bot Bossen – de oplossing voor klimaats-verandering of de dupe ervan?Het afgelopen jaar sloegen meer mensen op de vlucht voor natuurrampen dan voor oorlog en geweld. Klimaatexperten voorspellen extremere weersomstandigheden als gevolg van de klimaatsverandering. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn tyfoons, stormen en steeds langere droogteperiodes die vooral het zuidelijk halfrond treffen. Bosecosystemen hebben een onmiskenbare bufferende en regulerende functie in dit verhaal.
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Mara Wetland Becomes Dryland

This thesis describes how the social-ecological system around the Mara wetlands has changed during the previous five decades. These wetlands are mainly fed by the Mara River, which has its sources in the Kenyan Mau Escarpment. After flowing through two worldfamous wildlife parks (Serengeti and Maasai Mara), it continues in the downstream Tanzanian Mara wetlands and finally flows out in Lake Victoria.
The major focus of this thesis is on how the riparian Wakenye people in Northwest Tanzania have adapted their livelihoods to the changing context.
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