Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Why Donald Might Tr(i)ump(h)

Universiteit Gent
  • Ward
We tried to explain the political rise of the unconventional 2016 U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and attempted to figure out whether he stands a chance to become the 45th President of the United States.

We analyzed his brand, rhetoric, opponents and American history by looking into numerous American, British and Belgian newspapers and magazines and linked those results to a theoretical framework concerning brand image and social media.
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Socio-psychological barriers and bridges to peace: political discourse analysis of the Israeli and Palestinian speeches to the United Nations General Assembly between 1988 and 2016

Universiteit Antwerpen
De scriptie analyseert het gebruik van het woord vrede in de toespraken van Israëlische en Palestijnse leiders aan de Verenigde Naties tussen 1988 en 2016.
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Which countries are more likely to initiate a dispute in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism?

Universiteit Antwerpen
Which countries are more likely to initiate a dispute in the  WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism?This Dissertation is focused on dispute initiation in the WTO Dispute Settlement system. The main question the author attempts to at least partially answer is: Why do countries initiate a dispute in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism? The answer to this question is important for international trade and the enforcement of international trade laws. These laws are more often than not drafted in an extremely vague manner in order to be politically acceptable.
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Iranian Homosexuals; Social Identity Formation and Question of Femininity

KU Leuven
Iranian homosexuals; social identity formation and question of femininity[1] Iranian society and its cultural traits have remarkably changed over the last century, mainly during the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century when the country went through a modernizing process and after the Islamic Revolution based on Shi’a ideology where gender and sexuality issues were central to both movements.
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Crossing Over - Contemprary Feminist Theologians on the Theology of the Cross

KU Leuven
Defence of the Research Paper presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion:

“Crossing Over. Contemporary Feminist Theologians on the Theology of the Cross.”

Dear gentlemen,
To start off this defence, I will sketch the problems concerning the theology of the cross that my research has inquired into. Next, I will briefly outline the scope of my research, sketching the answers proposed by the feminist theologians in my reading and finally I will voice the results I arrived at.
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Social and Economic Influence of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Flander Belgium

Universiteit Hasselt
 Migration has a long history since the birth of humanity. The largest movements of people in history were the barbarian migrations that overran the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries AD and the Atlantic Migration to the Americas from the early 1800s to the early decades of the 20th century. For a thousand years, from the end of the Roman Empire in the West until the middle of the 15th century, the history of Europe, Asia, and North Africa consists of an almost unbroken series of invasions, wars, and conquests.
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