Inter armes judices non silent: het Israëlisch Hooggerechtshof en de bezette Palestijnse Gebieden



Inter armes judices non silent: het Israëlisch Hooggerechtshof en de bezette Palestijnse Gebieden

De Romeinse redenaar Cicero zei ooit dat inter arma enim silent leges, dat in tijden van oorlog de wetten zwijgen. Deze rechtspreuk gaat echter allang niet meer op. Tijdens gewapende conflicten gelden er wel degelijk regels, enerzijds gericht op het gedrag van de oorlogvoerende partijen, anderzijds gericht op de bescherming van burgers. Daar heeft de ontwikkeling van het internationaal recht der gewapende conflicten en het internationaal bezettingsrecht voor gezorgd. 

Maar wat met de judices, de rechters van de oorlogvoerende partijen en bezettende machten? Blijven zij stil te midden van het wapengekletter? En zo niet, welk geluid maken zij?

Deze vraagstelling is in se het vertrekpunt van mijn onderzoek.

Het enige conflict waarin deze vraag een antwoord krijgt, is het zogenaamde ‘Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict’.

Dit conflict is als zodanig een ‘retorisch’ conflict, dat betrekking heeft op het breed spectrum van inherent conflicterende belangen tussen Israëli’s enerzijds en Palestijnen anderzijds op het grondgebied dat algemeen bekendstaat als ‘Palestina’.

In 1948 werd op dit grondgebied de staat Israël uitgeroepen. In 1967 bezette Israël, in het kader van de Zesdaagse oorlog met buurlanden Jordanië en Egypte, de Arabische delen van dit gebied, de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Gazastrook.

Het Israëlisch Hooggerechtshof, het hoogste rechtscollege van Israël, oefent sinds het begin van deze bezetting rechterlijke controle uit over de handelingen van het Israëlisch leger die ze in het kader van deze militaire administratie stelt. Het is in deze context dat het Hof uitspraak over het internationaal bezettingsrecht.

In loop der jaren is het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict getransformeerd van een ‘louter’ retorisch conflict naar een ‘echt’ gewapend conflict in de zin van het recht der gewapende conflicten.

De Israëlische bezetting van de Westbank en Gaza kende twee culminaties van geweld uitgaande van de Palestijnse bevolking tegen het Israëlisch leger als uiting van protest tegen diens jarenlange militaire aanwezigheid. Deze opstanden staan bekend als de twee Palestijnse intifada’s en hebben de dynamiek in de Palestijnse Gebieden grondig veranderd.

Oorspronkelijk kenmerkte de Israelische bezetting van Palestina zich door de verticale relatie tussen de Israëlische bezettende macht en de Palestijnse bezette bevolking. Bij het uitbreken van de eerste intifada veranderde deze verticale relatie gedeeltelijk in een assymetrische horizontale relatie tussen een bezettende macht en leden van de bezette bevolking die moedwillig de wapens tegen deze eerste opnamen.

Sinds de tweede intifada en het overnemen van de feitelijke controle over de Gazastrook door de Palestijnse gewapende groep Hamas doet het Hof dan ook, naast het bezettingsrecht, uitspraak over de toepassing van het recht van de gewapende conflicten.





PICTET, J., The Geneva Conventions of 1949: Commentary, Genève, ICRC, 1958.


ZIMMERMAN, B., et al., Commentary on the Additional Protocols: of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Genève, 1987.


BIANCHI, A. en NAQVI, Y., International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism, Hart Publishing, 2011, 403.


DINSTEIN, Y., The International Law of Belligerent Occupation, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 303.


DINSTEIN, Y., War, Agression and Self-Defence, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 375.


KRETZMER, D., The Occupation of Justice, State University of New York Press, 2002, 262.


BENVENISTI, E., The International Law of Occupation, Oxford University Press, 2013, 383.


LUBELL, N., Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors, Oxford University Press, 2010, 288.




MERON, T., “Customary Law” in R. Gutman and D. Rieff (eds.), Crimes of War: What the Public should Know, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1999, 111-115.


BEN-NAFTALI, O., “PathoLAWgical Occupation: Normalizing the Exceptional Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Other Legal Pathologies” in BEN-NAFTALI, O. (ed.),International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, 2011, 424, 129-200.


MILANOVIC, M. en HADZI-VIDANOVIC, M., “A Taxonomy of Armed Conflict” in WHITE, N. en HENDERSON, C. (eds.), Research Handbook on International and Security Law, Edward Elgar, 2012, 685, 256-313.


AKANDE, D., “Classification of Armed Conflicts: Relevant Legal Concepts” in WILMSHURST, E. (ed.), International Law and the Classification of Conflicts, Oxford University Press, 2012, 531, 32-70.


 SCOBBIE, I., “Gaza” in WILMSHURST, E. (ed.), International Law and the Classification of Conflicts? Oxford University Press, 2012, 531, 280-316.


PEJIC, J., “Conflict Classification and the Law Applicable to Detention and the Use of Force”, in WILMSHURST, E. (ed.), International Law and the Classification of Conflicts? Oxford University Press, 2012, 531, 80-116.


QUPTY, M., “The Application of International Law in the Occupied Territories as Reflected in the Judgements of the High Court of Justice in Israel” in PLAYFAIR, E. (ed.), International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories: Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Clarendon. Oxford, 1992, 576, 87-125.


BENVENISTI, E., “Occupation, Belligerent” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.),MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 920-929.


HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG, W., “Assymetric Warfare” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol.I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 725-734.


HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG, W., “War Zones” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X,Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 763-771.


GLAZIER, D., “Wars of National Liberation” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 781-785.


CRAWFORD, E., “Armed Conflict, international” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X,Oxford University Pres, 2012, 11724, 612-626.


MARAUHN, T. en NTOUBANDI, Z., “Armed Conflict, non-international” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.),MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 627-636.


WALTER, C., “Terrorism” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 908-928.


SASSOLI, M., “Combatants” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 350-360.


DORMANN, K., “Combatants, unlawful” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 360-369.


FROWEIN, J., “De Facto Regime” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 1052-1054.


GREENWOOD, C., “Self-Defence” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 103-113.


DORR, O., “Use of Force, Prohibition of” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 607-620.


ZEMANEK, K. “Armed Attack” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 595-600.


BELL, C. en PFEIFFER, J., “Indiscriminate Attack in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X,Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 137-141.


HOFFMANN, T., “Is the Gaza Strip still an Occupied Territory? Divergent Approaches in International Humanitarian Law” in GABOR K. en GABOR, K. (eds.), Nemzetkozi Jog es Europai Jog: Uj Metszespontok?, Saxum, 2011, 28-44.


PAULUS, A. en VASHAKMADZE, M., “Assymetrical War and the Notion of Armed Conflict – A Tentative Conceptualization”, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 91(873), 2009, 95-125.


RAGUAN, G., “Adjudicating Armed Conflict in Domestic Courts: The Experience of Israel’s Supreme Court”, in SCHMITT, M. et al. (eds), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 13, 2010, 61-95.


VAN DER VYVER, J., “Legal Ramifications of the War in Gaza”, Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 21(3), 2009, 403-448.


KRETZMER, D., “Targeted killing of Suspected Terrorists: Extra-Judicial execuions or Legitimate Means of Defence?”, The European Journal of International Law, Vol. 16(2), 2005, 171-212.


MOODRICK EVEN-KHEN, H., “Case Note: Can We Now Tell What “Direct Participation in Hostilities” is? – HCJ 769/02 The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel v. the Government of Israel”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 40(1), 2007, 213-244.


ZIMMERMAN, A., “Abiding by and Enforcing International Humanitarian Law in Assymetric Warfare: the Case of “Operation Cast Lead”, Polish Yearbook of International Law, 2011, 47-78.


VITE, S., “Typologie of Armed Conflicts in International Humanitarian Law: legal concepts and actual situations”, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 91(873), 69-94.


MASTORODIMOS, K., “The Character of the Conflict in Gaza: Another Argument towards Abolishing the Distinction between International and Non-international Armed Conflicts?”International Community Law Review, Vol. 12(4), 2010, 437-469.


RADIN, S., “Global Armed Conflict? The Threshold of Extraterritorial Non-international Armed Conflicts”, Naval War College International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, 696-743.


MILANOVIC, M., “Lessons for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in the War on Terror: Comparing Hamdan and the Israeli Targeted Killings Case”, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 89(866), 2007, 373-393.


RUBIN, B., “Disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Post-Occupation Duties”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 42(3), 2010, 528-536.


DARCY, S. en REYNOLDS, J., “An Enduring Occupation : The Status of the Gaza Strip from the Perspective of international Humanitarian Law”, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Vol. 15(2),2010, 211-243.


SHANY, Y., “The Law Applicable to Non-Occupied Gaza: A Comment on Bassiouni v. Prime Minister of Israel”, Hebrew University International Law, 1-18, beschikbaar op SSRN:


FERRARO, T., “Determining the Beginning and End of an Occupation under International Humanitarian Law”, International Law Review of the Red Cross, Vol.94(885), 2012, 133-162.


GOFF, R., “The Legality of Israel’s Blockade of Gaza”, Regent Journal of International Law, Vol. 8, 2012, 83-108.


POWER, S., “War, Invasion, Occupation? A Problem of Status on the Gaza Strip”, Trinity College Law Review, Vol.12, 2009, 25-39.


CAPLAN, R., “Rules of “Disengagement”: Relating the Establishment of Palestinian Gaza”,Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 18, 2005, 679-716.


SHANY, Y., “Faraway So Close: The Legal Status of Gaza after Israel’s Disengagement”,Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol.8, 2006, 1-34, beschikbaar op SSRN:


SHANY, Y., “Binary Law Meets Complex Reality: the Occupation of Gaza Debate”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 41(1-2), 2008, 68-86.


STEPHANOPOULOS, N., “Israel’s Legal Obligations to Gaza after the Pullout”, Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 31, 2006, 524-529.


IONNANIS, K., “The Continuance and End of an Occupation”, 2011, beschikbaar op SSRN:


BELL, A. en SHEFI, D., “The Mythical Post-2005 Israeli Occupation of the Gaza Strip”, Israel Affairs, Vol. 16(2), 2010, 268-296.


WEILL, S., “The Judicial arm of the Occupation: the Israeli Military Courts in the Occupied Territories”, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 89(866), 2007, 395-419.


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PICTET, J., The Geneva Conventions of 1949: Commentary, Genève, ICRC, 1958.


ZIMMERMAN, B., et al., Commentary on the Additional Protocols: of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Genève, 1987.


BIANCHI, A. en NAQVI, Y., International Humanitarian Law and Terrorism, Hart Publishing, 2011, 403.


DINSTEIN, Y., The International Law of Belligerent Occupation, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 303.


DINSTEIN, Y., War, Agression and Self-Defence, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 375.


KRETZMER, D., The Occupation of Justice, State University of New York Press, 2002, 262.


BENVENISTI, E., The International Law of Occupation, Oxford University Press, 2013, 383.


LUBELL, N., Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors, Oxford University Press, 2010, 288.




MERON, T., “Customary Law” in R. Gutman and D. Rieff (eds.), Crimes of War: What the Public should Know, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1999, 111-115.


BEN-NAFTALI, O., “PathoLAWgical Occupation: Normalizing the Exceptional Case of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Other Legal Pathologies” in BEN-NAFTALI, O. (ed.),International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, 2011, 424, 129-200.


MILANOVIC, M. en HADZI-VIDANOVIC, M., “A Taxonomy of Armed Conflict” in WHITE, N. en HENDERSON, C. (eds.), Research Handbook on International and Security Law, Edward Elgar, 2012, 685, 256-313.


AKANDE, D., “Classification of Armed Conflicts: Relevant Legal Concepts” in WILMSHURST, E. (ed.), International Law and the Classification of Conflicts, Oxford University Press, 2012, 531, 32-70.


 SCOBBIE, I., “Gaza” in WILMSHURST, E. (ed.), International Law and the Classification of Conflicts? Oxford University Press, 2012, 531, 280-316.


PEJIC, J., “Conflict Classification and the Law Applicable to Detention and the Use of Force”, in WILMSHURST, E. (ed.), International Law and the Classification of Conflicts? Oxford University Press, 2012, 531, 80-116.


QUPTY, M., “The Application of International Law in the Occupied Territories as Reflected in the Judgements of the High Court of Justice in Israel” in PLAYFAIR, E. (ed.), International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories: Two Decades of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Clarendon. Oxford, 1992, 576, 87-125.


BENVENISTI, E., “Occupation, Belligerent” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.),MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 920-929.


HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG, W., “Assymetric Warfare” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol.I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 725-734.


HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG, W., “War Zones” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X,Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 763-771.


GLAZIER, D., “Wars of National Liberation” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 781-785.


CRAWFORD, E., “Armed Conflict, international” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X,Oxford University Pres, 2012, 11724, 612-626.


MARAUHN, T. en NTOUBANDI, Z., “Armed Conflict, non-international” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.),MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 627-636.


WALTER, C., “Terrorism” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 908-928.


SASSOLI, M., “Combatants” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 350-360.


DORMANN, K., “Combatants, unlawful” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 360-369.


FROWEIN, J., “De Facto Regime” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 1052-1054.


GREENWOOD, C., “Self-Defence” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 103-113.


DORR, O., “Use of Force, Prohibition of” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 607-620.


ZEMANEK, K. “Armed Attack” in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X, Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 595-600.


BELL, C. en PFEIFFER, J., “Indiscriminate Attack in WOLFRUM, R. (ed.), MPEPIL, Vol. I-X,Oxford University Press, 2012, 11724, 137-141.


HOFFMANN, T., “Is the Gaza Strip still an Occupied Territory? Divergent Approaches in International Humanitarian Law” in GABOR K. en GABOR, K. (eds.), Nemzetkozi Jog es Europai Jog: Uj Metszespontok?, Saxum, 2011, 28-44.


PAULUS, A. en VASHAKMADZE, M., “Assymetrical War and the Notion of Armed Conflict – A Tentative Conceptualization”, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 91(873), 2009, 95-125.


RAGUAN, G., “Adjudicating Armed Conflict in Domestic Courts: The Experience of Israel’s Supreme Court”, in SCHMITT, M. et al. (eds), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 13, 2010, 61-95.


VAN DER VYVER, J., “Legal Ramifications of the War in Gaza”, Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 21(3), 2009, 403-448.


KRETZMER, D., “Targeted killing of Suspected Terrorists: Extra-Judicial execuions or Legitimate Means of Defence?”, The European Journal of International Law, Vol. 16(2), 2005, 171-212.


MOODRICK EVEN-KHEN, H., “Case Note: Can We Now Tell What “Direct Participation in Hostilities” is? – HCJ 769/02 The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel v. the Government of Israel”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 40(1), 2007, 213-244.


ZIMMERMAN, A., “Abiding by and Enforcing International Humanitarian Law in Assymetric Warfare: the Case of “Operation Cast Lead”, Polish Yearbook of International Law, 2011, 47-78.


VITE, S., “Typologie of Armed Conflicts in International Humanitarian Law: legal concepts and actual situations”, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 91(873), 69-94.


MASTORODIMOS, K., “The Character of the Conflict in Gaza: Another Argument towards Abolishing the Distinction between International and Non-international Armed Conflicts?”International Community Law Review, Vol. 12(4), 2010, 437-469.


RADIN, S., “Global Armed Conflict? The Threshold of Extraterritorial Non-international Armed Conflicts”, Naval War College International Law Studies, Vol. 89, 2013, 696-743.


MILANOVIC, M., “Lessons for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in the War on Terror: Comparing Hamdan and the Israeli Targeted Killings Case”, International Review of the Red Cross, Vol. 89(866), 2007, 373-393.


RUBIN, B., “Disengagement from the Gaza Strip and Post-Occupation Duties”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 42(3), 2010, 528-536.


DARCY, S. en REYNOLDS, J., “An Enduring Occupation : The Status of the Gaza Strip from the Perspective of international Humanitarian Law”, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Vol. 15(2),2010, 211-243.


SHANY, Y., “The Law Applicable to Non-Occupied Gaza: A Comment on Bassiouni v. Prime Minister of Israel”, Hebrew University International Law, 1-18, beschikbaar op SSRN:


FERRARO, T., “Determining the Beginning and End of an Occupation under International Humanitarian Law”, International Law Review of the Red Cross, Vol.94(885), 2012, 133-162.


GOFF, R., “The Legality of Israel’s Blockade of Gaza”, Regent Journal of International Law, Vol. 8, 2012, 83-108.


POWER, S., “War, Invasion, Occupation? A Problem of Status on the Gaza Strip”, Trinity College Law Review, Vol.12, 2009, 25-39.


CAPLAN, R., “Rules of “Disengagement”: Relating the Establishment of Palestinian Gaza”,Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 18, 2005, 679-716.


SHANY, Y., “Faraway So Close: The Legal Status of Gaza after Israel’s Disengagement”,Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Vol.8, 2006, 1-34, beschikbaar op SSRN:


SHANY, Y., “Binary Law Meets Complex Reality: the Occupation of Gaza Debate”, Israel Law Review, Vol. 41(1-2), 2008, 68-86.


STEPHANOPOULOS, N., “Israel’s Legal Obligations to Gaza after the Pullout”, Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 31, 2006, 524-529.


IONNANIS, K., “The Continuance and End of an Occupation”, 2011, beschikbaar op SSRN:


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