Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

Raw critical materials in energy transition

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This thesis analysed the effect on material scarcity of the soaring wind and solar markets
as energy sources, together with the deployment of batteries and the green hydrogen production
as storage alternatives. It classed the impact on raw materials in 3 categories: critical, moderated, limited
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Recovery of gallium and indium from end-of-life LEDs by ionic liquid technology

KU Leuven
De scheikundige elementen gallium en indium worden geclassificeerd als kritieke grondstoffen voor de EU. In deze scriptie werden ionische vloeistoffen toegepast om beide elementen te recycleren uit LED-verlichting.
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Het Centaur Project, onderzoek naar de praktische haalbaarheid van de UD-opia

Universiteit Hasselt
De Geyndt
Robbe De Geyndt, Architecture, University of  HasseltAbstract Master Thesis, submitted 9 February 2015:Het Centaur Project, onderzoek naar de praktische haalbaarheid van de UD-opiaThe aim of this thesis is to investigate and identify a possible alternative for the well-known, but unfortunately still failing concept of the Utopia within the borders of the architectural working field. Next, this alternative, the UD-opia, will be looked at critically to explore its sustainability and practical feasibility.
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Development of a stretchable battery pack for textile integration

Universiteit Gent
 Development of a stretchable battery pack for textile integrationINTRODUCTIONAs electronics become smaller and more integrated, the next step is to integrate them into textile. Research to create textile-integrated electronics continually develops, but there is also a growing need for textile-integrated batteries. This will allow standalone applications, without any rigid parts attached. Many uses can be imagined,  such as health monitoring, interactive clothing or fashion.The goal of this thesis is to investigate how a battery-pack can be integrated into textile.
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Comparing the success of two joint ventures in the ready to drink tea market: implications for alliance management theory.

Universiteit Hasselt
SummaryJoint ventures are a very popular type of alliance and can offer a lot of advantages. Yet they can be a hand full to manage and many joint ventures fail to properly achieve their objectives. Since Unilever and PepsiCo agreed to help me on this final paper, I was in a unique position to thoroughly scrutinize their joint venture, called PLI, which manufactures and sells Lipton Ice Tea.
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De Belgische revolutie in het Parijse modeveld: Een analyse aan de hand van Pierre Bourdieu

Universiteit Gent
Van de Peer
De Belgische moderevolutie in Parijs
Vele Belgen zijn zich niet bewust van de status van de Antwerpse mode in Parijs. Hoewel het grote publiek op de hoogte is van de namen en de stijl van verschillende Antwerpse ontwerpers, blijft hun macht in Parijs vaak onderbelicht. Eén reden hiervoor is het gebrek aan onderzoek over de status die ‘onze’ ontwerpers in het Parijse modeveld bezitten.
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