Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

The impact of community health workers on HIV therapy outcome in sub-Saharan Africa

KU Leuven
In deze scriptie wordt onderzocht of en hoe lokale gezondheidsmedewerkers een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan betere therapie-uitkomsten voor HIV-patiënten in sub-Saharisch Afrika.
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Social and Economic Influence of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Flander Belgium

Universiteit Hasselt
 Migration has a long history since the birth of humanity. The largest movements of people in history were the barbarian migrations that overran the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries AD and the Atlantic Migration to the Americas from the early 1800s to the early decades of the 20th century. For a thousand years, from the end of the Roman Empire in the West until the middle of the 15th century, the history of Europe, Asia, and North Africa consists of an almost unbroken series of invasions, wars, and conquests.
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