Scriptiebank overzicht

De Vlaamse Scriptiebank is een vrij toegankelijke online databank. Deze bevat alle artikels en full text scripties van deelnemende bachelors en masters aan de

The contribution of volunteering in a cultural centre to the development of young adults in Salvador, Brazil. Overcoming obstacles related to race, gender, religion and class oppression.

UC Leuven-Limburg
In a highly unequal society, many young Brazilians suffer oppression based on their class, race, gender, sexual orientation and religion. In the transition to adulthood, a period that is already marked by important changes, this brings along specific needs that need to be met. This research answers how ICBIE, a cultural centre in Salvador da Bahia, tries to meet those needs by providing a
space for young people to participate in activities and volunteer. Young adults from the region and volunteers of ICBIE have participated in a survey and in-depth interviews to find the answer to the central question of this thesis:
“How does volunteering at ICBIE contribute to the personal and professional development of young adults living on the Itapagipe Peninsula of Salvador, Bahia?”. Their answers, insights and stories were complemented by observations and were compared with, and analyzed through the lens of
national data and concepts from Robert Havighurst, Social Justice Theory and Anti-Oppressive Practises. The results show that young adults face a multitude of obstacles, mostly related to oppressive practises. Classism is the form of
oppression that stood out, connecting almost all of the respondents. And while ICBIE can’t directly change the root of these oppressive practises, it mitigates the harmful effects caused by them, by creating a place where volunteers can
learn, take up responsibility, open their view on the world, create meaningful bonds, feel safe and loved, and cultivate hope and resilience for the future.
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De informele economie van child sexual abuse materials: de handel in kinderpornografie vanuit een socio-economisch perspectief

Universiteit Gent
In deze scriptie wordt de commerciële handel in kinderpornografie geanalyseerd aan de hand van een socio-economische theorie. Er wordt onderzocht hoe de markt erin om te groeien en wat we hier aan kunnen doen.
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Are Sigh conditioned responses

KU Leuven
Iedereen zucht wel eens. Voor de meeste mensen is dit zo een normaal deel van de ademhaling dat er niet over nagedacht wordt. We weten al dat zuchten een resetter functie heeft voor de ademhaling. Maar toch gaan mensen soms op vreemde momenten zuchten. Kan men leren zuchten?
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Methods for the determination of flow-based capacity parameters: description, evaluation and improvements

KU Leuven
Flow-based market coupling, the cheapest path to security of supplyCurrently a lot of European countries struggle with the Security of Supply of electricity. Belgium is one of the leading problem cases. In order to achieve long-term security of supply, Europe puts its stake on increasing the interconnection capacity between member states (1). This option is expensive but can be viable. For short-term problems, like shortages in Belgium, the investment plan offers no solution. In research a lot attention is given to complex and challenging solutions like demand side management.
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Predator V Pet - Wolf V Dog

VIVES Hogeschool
Almeida da Silva Amorim
Dogs: wolves in a sheepskin?Dogs are wonderful creatures. There is something about the twinkle in their eyes that makes them such a unique species. Like no other animal they have successfully found new ways to function in our human-made world. However their presence is not always filled with joy and happiness. As much as dogs seem to enjoy spending time with humans they still need us to treat them with the respect and handling that is appropriate to their nature.  Some dog owners are lucky enough to never have considerable trouble with their dogs.
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Bellum Iustum - een islamitisch perspectief op een rechtvaardige oorlog

Universiteit Antwerpen
 Tussen Mekka en RomeOver de islamitische vrede en de westerse oorlogEen veelgehoorde kritiek op de hedendaagse multiculturele westerse samenleving is dat moslims en christenen niet in vrede kunnen samenleven. De islamitische denkwereld zou volledig anders zijn en hun moraal valt niet met de christelijke te verzoenen. Ze hebben een andere visie op de wereld, op politiek én op oorlog en vrede.
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Crossing Over - Contemprary Feminist Theologians on the Theology of the Cross

KU Leuven
Defence of the Research Paper presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion:

“Crossing Over. Contemporary Feminist Theologians on the Theology of the Cross.”

Dear gentlemen,
To start off this defence, I will sketch the problems concerning the theology of the cross that my research has inquired into. Next, I will briefly outline the scope of my research, sketching the answers proposed by the feminist theologians in my reading and finally I will voice the results I arrived at.
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MANHATTAN, NEW YORK – MANHATTAN, BRUSSELS: postwar urban planning in the grip of an island

Universiteit Antwerpen
Manhattan, New York – Manhattan, Brussels: postwar urban planning in the grip of an island

People need icons and every one needs dreams. For urbanites of the last century, that icon, that dream was New York City, and more precisely the island of Manhattan, which for most outsiders amounts to the same. It represented everything people hoped to achieve: freedom, wealth, modernity. The skyscrapers, the subways, the lights and the cars made Manhattan a symbol of the ideal 20th-century city.

The uncontrolled sprawl of modern New York City was not without its problems.
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Moet-willige hulpverlening - narratieve synergieën in complexe gezinsherenigingssituaties: realiteit of illusie?

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Narratieve synergieën in complexe gezinsherenigingssituaties:
realiteit of illusie?

In dit onderzoek gaan we na in welke mate een samenwerkingsrelatie tot stand kan komen in een setting waarin adolescenten gedwongen worden om bij collaboratieve therapeuten in therapie te gaan. We vragen ons ook af of een co-constructie van nieuwe verhalen in deze gedwongen hulpverleningscontext mogelijk werd. We doen aan kwalitatief, beschrijvend en exploratief onderzoek op basis van vier gevalstudies.
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